Digital Motion X-ray

Revolutionary X-ray Imaging System

New digital and optic technology that allows clinicians to view the upper, middle and lower spine on a video monitor while the patient moves.

Imagine being able to see in real time, while in motion, an injury or root of the issue causing chronic pain? Combining digital motion X-ray imaging with improved digital and optic technology allows clinicians to do this while a patient is standing and/or actively moving.

Digital Motion X-ray (DMX) is an impressively powerful tool designed to aid in diagnosing those suffering from back pain, joint pain, sports injuries, chronic pain, neck injuries from car accidents, and many other signs and indicators of injury.

DMX technology allows clinicians to view the upper, middle and lower spine on a monitor while a patient moves. The spinal cord and vertebrae are protected and held in place by ligaments. When the body receives a rapid, hard impact, like that of trauma or whiplash, that movement causes ligaments to be moved or pulled around the spine and cause injury. Tearing or stretching of ligaments will cause pain and swelling that may not be easily seen with a static X-ray.

Traditional imaging, like X-rays, CTs and MRIs, lack the acute sensitivity to detect a torn ligament. This may lead to misdiagnosis or not receiving the proper car to heal.

Benefits of DMX® 

  • Real-Time Digital Video
  • Hidden injuries are revealed-Pinpoint accuracy
  • May reveal alternatives needs/treatments to surgery
  • Precision Treatment (Targeting source of issue not just symptoms)
  • Accurate Diagnosis result in better treatment and improved outcomes
  • Detection/Demonstration of ligamentous instability that may lead to permanent injury
  • Objective 3rd party evaluation – clearly shows full scope of injury. Vital info for insurance claims.
  • Easier to scan, file, and share images with you and other physicians

Digital Motion X-Ray vs MRI

Some injuries only hurt when in motion. DMX allows us to see and diagnose injuries while you move and also evaluates bones in motion which makes it easier to detect specific injured ligaments.

MRI scans of the cervical spine are meant to evaluate injuries while the body is not in motion. This is limiting on what can be detected unlike DMX.

DMX uses fluoroscopy technology to take several (30) X-rays per second while the injured area is in motion. Standing, bearing weight, and movement can give different insights versus seated or lying down. DMX creates a movie that shows the full scope of injury, can reveal hidden pain origins, and ultimately detect sources of pain more accurately because you are in motion.

When Should Ask bout Using DMX®?

  • No Recovery After 6+ Weeks
  • Dislocation, Fracture and Pathology have been ruled out as main symptoms
  • Continued pain despite MRI, static X-ray, and/or CT Scans diagnosis is normal.
  • Little to no improvement after trying Physiotherapy, Physical Therapy, Massage, and Chiropractic options.
  • Injury is labeled soft tissue, suggesting nothing significant.
    Headaches, Neck Pain, Upper Back Pain (across the top of the shoulders and upper back, base of the skull headaches
  • Increased pain with movement
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